Serial Murder and the Strange Case of Edward Edwards
Chris Hables Gray and Corey Alexander Grayson
An investigation into the meanings of serial killing through an analysis of the unusual life of Edward Edwards, FBI informant, TV contestant, pubic speaker/author/consultant on criminology...and one of the most successful serial murderers in history. |
“The real hell of life is everyone has his reasons.” – Inspector Lewis, of the BBC’s Lewis.
Serial because it happens multiple times, in secession. Murder because it isn’t just killing, which humans do often and occasionally on a horrifically grand scale. We even honor especially effective serial killers, if the killing is for society, according to the tribal leadership, church hierarchy, or those running the nation/state. We call this war. An essay on serial killing and serial murder is one part of this site. The other is a series of pages, starting here, on Edward Edwards and his many crimes. |